Anti-Oppression from the Heart
The Vancouver International Burlesque Festival Association is proud to present:
Anti-Oppression from the Heart - A workshop facilitated by Ruby Smith-Diaz of Tierra Negra Arts.
Anti-Oppression theories are great! But how do you apply it to your everyday actions and the way you navigate the world? In this workshop, Ruby Smith Díaz will lead participants through arts-based activities to explore their identities and understand more deeply how it intersects with power, privilege, and oppression. By connecting to their personal stories, individuals will gain tools to begin unlearning oppressive behaviours and kick start their journeys towards being potential allies alongside other communities.
This workshop is open to everyone to attend! Space is limited -registration is first-come, first-served.
DATE: Sunday, January 12
TIME: Doors 12:30pm | Workshop to begin promptly at 1pm
LOCATION: Queen Elizabeth Theatre - Salon C
COST*: $15 | $10 for VIBFA Members
*sponsored tickets to this workshop are available, kindly contact to get yours
About Ruby Smith Diaz:
Ruby Smith-Diaz was born to Chilean and Jamaican parents in Edmonton – amiskwaciy and graduated from the University of Alberta with a degree in Education with distinction. Since graduating, she has channeled her passion for education into her work as an arts based facilitator, multi-disciplinary artist, and body positive personal trainer.
Ruby’s experiences of marginalization as a youth has inspired her to dedicated her work to exploring difficult topics around issues of inclusion. Her combination of empathy, creativity and receptivity has made her a meaningful source of support for workshop participants, and has inspired many of her film and writing projects around topics of inclusion and identity. Most of all, she is invested in helping individuals develop the sense of self-worth and integrity that will make them agents and animators of change in the world, according to their most passionate, and fiery imaginings.
Photo of Ruby by Andi Icaza Largaespada.