T.I.T. Talks
Join us on Thursday March 30 at 7pm PST at The Cultch’s Vancity Culture Lab Theatre or online for an evening of empowerment and education. Our panel of six presenters share their insight in areas unique to burlesque and the community as a whole.
Tickets are $30 (+fees) in-person or watch from home via live stream for $15 (+fees)
Read more about our 2023 T.I.T. Talks and Presenters below.

Building a Successful Burlesque Career outside of the USA!
Zyra Lee Vanity
VIBF Headliner 2023
Montreal, QC
We are currently at a moment in the burlesque industry where burlesque is blossoming and growing in various countries all over the World. Whether in Europe, Africa, Asia or South & Central America, etc. burlesque has popped up on almost every continent. But still, many burlesque artists don’t think building a successful career outside of the United States is possible. In this Tit talk I’ll discuss the various ways one can build their name and gain recognition without traveling to the United States. Although the USA has contributed so much to burlesque history, the industry & innovation, as well as given the World some of burlesque’s most iconic performers, traveling to the US to perform is not always an option or want for some performers. So how do we get our names out there? What are our other options? Join us for this tit talk as we navigate answering these questions.
Content Warning: Borders, police

Dancing as Long as We Can: Joyful Burlesque into the Senior Years
VIBF Legend Feature 2023
Vancouver BC
It took courage for me to return to burlesque after forty eight years, but I was curious. Passion for the stage overrode my hesitancy. I don't believe that one forgets the warm glow of the lights, and that magical audience connection. It stays in the blood. It lies there dormant if pushed aside, but is ready to spring to life again, if bidden. Burlesque celebrates not only physical beauty, but vulnerability and audacity. We humans are planned beautifully: when we are young, we shine, but when we age, we show our rich patina. It's a different kind of shine.
That pulse that flows between dancer and audience is a very ripe language, full of powerful meaning. It never dies. And because it gets even deeper as we age, it deserves to be celebrated. I hope to encourage all those who wonder how long they can continue, those who are coming back after some time, and those seniors who are considering burlesque for the first time.

Bi-Hemian Rhapsody: Bisexual+ Visibility in Burlesque and Beyond.
Bianca Boom Boom
VIBF Feature 2023
Toronto, ON
Have you ever been curious about the B in LGBT?
Bisexual+ people make up the largest number of adults in the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, yet are often misunderstood and frequently misrepresented, even among their queer peers.
Bianca will discuss bi+ visibility, why it matters, and how burlesque helped them realize she was a bi+ babe all along!
Content Warning: Biphobia.

Uplifting Safer Spaces
Cherry Cheeks
Victoria BC
The challenge in burlesque that we tend to hear less about is the reality of safety. Despite how burlesque is often described as a "community" and a "place of belonging" the hard truth is: it's not always safe. How can producers inspire and care for their performers, audiences, and selves while deconstructing standard colonial practices that are often seen in show production?
By approaching burlesque with a decolonial lens, Cherry Cheeks breaks down colonial constructs in producing that often restrict the ability to create safer spaces, and instead look at relationship first. Individuals should arrive ready to hear some hard truths and reflect on their own unconscious bias and privilege.
​Content Warning: There will be some hard truths that may cause difficult self-reflection.

The Great Virtual Pivot - Performance Art in the Digital Realm
Fannie Sinclair
Los Angeles, CA
The Virtual Burlesque genre flourished amidst the global pandemic and quarantine initially out of necessity - Necessity for income/connection/and creative outlet during a time of such uncertainty. This talk will explore Fannie's personal journey and newfound love for the medium of virtual, and particularly Virtual-Live Burlesque, which is still present today as its own medium of performance art with so much potential moving forward. Virtual Burlesque has the ability to be accessible, tap another aspect of creativity and it can (continue to) unite us globally.
Content Warning: Mentions of the Pandemic/Quarantine

Nopal Pintado
(Painted Prickly Pear)
Lola Coquette
Portland, OR
This talk will be surface exploration on the decolonization of Mexican Indigenous Women of the Southwest in the United States, emphasizing the crucial deconstruction of exotification and American-based gender impositions.
Content Warning: mention of genocide, gender violence, mature language