Vancouver is BURLESQUE
Join the Board of Directors!
The Vancouver International Burlesque Festival Association (VIBFA) is a volunteer-run non-profit organization that produces the annual Vancouver International Burlesque Festival and is devoted to promoting the public profile of burlesque in Vancouver and providing resources for the advocacy of the Vancouver burlesque community.
Board positions are available for the 2024/2025 year, each with two-year terms, with a membership election taking place at the Annual General Meeting. We welcome applications from members of the burlesque community, as well as from community allies.
Board membership is a serious commitment but highly rewarding, and makes a huge difference for our community.
Please read the FAQs below for more information, or contact us at with any questions.
Q: What is the VIBFA and what do you do?
A: The Vancouver International Burlesque Festival Association is a registered BC non-profit society. Our mission is:
To create and administer an annual Vancouver International Burlesque Festival, encouraging the cooperation of Vancouver burlesque companies, producers, and performers, and fostering communication amongst these groups.
To provide resources for the advocacy of Vancouver burlesque performers, venues, and companies.
To promote the public profile of burlesque in Vancouver.
Q: How do I apply?
A: Think about whether this form of volunteer service makes sense for you and your ability to commit to a two year term. Feel free to reach out to current and past board members to answer any questions -
Fill out the application form - coming soon!
VIBFA members will receive an email board voting package by the AGM.
Attend the AGM, when the membership will vote on new board members
Q: Do I have to apply? In the past, people were nominated at the AGM.
A: Yes, you must apply by the deadline to join the board.
In previous years, members could show up at the AGM, nominate themselves, and the membership would vote person by person to pick the next board.
Several years ago, we switched to a slate format. In this format, the current board members review applications and nominate the slate of board applicants to present at the AGM, where membership votes yes or no to approve all incoming board members. This is common for most non-profit organizations.
This process allows the board to seek out people who fill experience gaps on the board and curate a well-rounded board who can carry the festival forward. We’re looking for people with all levels and mediums of burlesque experience, as well as community allies; the focus is on finding individuals with the skill sets to help VIBF thrive.
Q: I applied! Now what?
A: Thank you for applying to join our board! A member of the current board will follow up with you to answer any questions you have, get to know you a bit more, and figure out if your skill set is a good fit for our board.
Depending on the number of applicants, the current board will decide on a slate of board applicants to submit to the membership for approval at our AGM.
At the AGM, VIBFA members will vote to approve the slate of potential board members, and once approved, new board members will step into their roles immediately and begin training with the outgoing board.
Q: How is the VIBFA financed?
A: Operations are primarily financed by ticket sales. Historically, ticket revenue leaves us positioned to incur the next year’s festival expenses, but as with most arts organizations, the COVID-19 pandemic caused the cancellation and scaling back of our 2020 and 2021 festivals. In the years since, we have focused on rebuilding revenue through the 2022 and 2023 festival events, as well as on securing grant and sponsorship income.
Q: What is the Board’s role?
A: The VIBFA has a working board (rather than a governance board). This means that board members are not only responsible for the oversight of the organization’s strategy, finances, legal responsibilities, policies, and governance, but also have operating roles to ensure the VIBFA’s activities are accomplished. At the start of the term, the board elects members to the roles of President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The rest of the board are Members At Large.
The President is the chair of the board and is responsible for supervising the other directors in the execution of their duties. The President also chairs board meetings, is a financial signatory for the VIBFA’s accounts, and represents the VIBFA board with community partners and stakeholders as needed.
The Vice President is the vice-chair of the Board and is responsible for carrying out the duties of the president if the president is unable to act.
The Treasurer is responsible for financial processes and maintenance of the VIBFA, including: receiving deposits, making payments, keeping accounting records and reconciling all accounts monthly, preparing quarterly and annual financial reports, and filing the VIBFA’s taxes.
The Secretary is responsible for administrative and governance tasks including: issuing notices of meetings, taking minutes at meetings, keeping the records of the VIBFA, and filing the annual report of the VIBFA, in compliance with BC’s laws for non-profit societies.
All board members share responsibility for overseeing and actively participating in the operational departments - producing shows and knowledge sharing programs, marketing, sponsorship, fundraising, performer relations, volunteer relations, budgeting and financial management, technology, photography and videography, ticketing….everything that goes into executing a multi-event festival and promoting burlesque in our community!
Q: That sounds like a lot of work! Do you have any help?
A: The Board is supported by some paid staff, including the Artistic Director, Production Manager, Festival Administrator, and seasonal roles such as Education Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, Sponsorship Coordinator, Performer Liaison, and production staff, among others. We also have the best volunteers in the world, who take part in backstage hospitality, transporting performers, selling raffle tickets, setting up events, you name it! The Board also has the option of creating committees including outside volunteers to tackle specific projects.
Q: What does a year in the life of VIBFA look like?
A: In a “regular” year, the festival takes place in late March and/or early April, kicking off with the Diamonds in the Buff Awards (“The Buffies”), TIT Talks, workshops, and two nights of in-person Showcases at the Vancouver Playhouse. In 2023, we added a new, virtual showcase as well.
Our Fiscal Year runs June 1 through May 31, with new board members assuming their roles in June following the AGM election.
Summer: board orientation, roles and responsibilities selected, annual budget drafted, annual society filings due, banking authorization changeover happens, festival planning and other projects begin.
Fall: fundraising and grants, sponsorship, applications and adjudication, quarterly budget review.
Winter: marketing, ticket sales launch, production planning, seasonal staff most active, budget re-forecast, annual theatre rental grant due.
Spring: execution of festival events, gaming and liquor licensing, end of year wrap up, financial reports, tax remittance, AGM.
Q: What kind of time commitment would I expect as a Board member?
A: Board meetings take place every two to three weeks from summer until winter, with weekly meetings as the festival approaches in the spring. Other work takes place between meetings - it is a busy schedule, but rewarding! Board members are encouraged to exercise their existing skills and to take on projects that will teach them something they want to learn.
While in-person meetings were the norm pre-COVID (with snacks!), we have embraced Google Meet as a convenient way to meet as a group, and we expect to decide as a team how to meet going forward to accommodate busy schedules.
Q: Can I still apply to perform in the Festival if I am on the Board?
A: The short answer is yes. Board members can apply to perform, and those who do are subject to the same application, adjudication, and curation processes as all other applicants.
However, Board members must disclose any potential conflicts of interest, and there are policies ensuring compliance with BC Societies laws. This limits the number of board members who can receive remuneration from the VIBFA, including for performing in the festival. Should more Board members wish to apply to perform than allowed by the applicable policy, there are policies to guide the Board in deciding which members can apply first. Board members are expected to adhere to the organization’s Code of Conduct.
Q: I’m not sure I have the right skills. What are you looking for?
A: We are looking for members of the burlesque community and allies who support burlesque, with a variety of backgrounds and skill sets, and who represent the broad range of identities and experiences in the burlesque community. Previous board experience or experience as a performer are assets, but are not required. This is a great opportunity to serve the community and practice skills you already have or develop new ones, network with international burlesque artists and producers, and develop close working relationships with colleagues.
Specific skill sets that are always welcome:
Producing and event planning
Human resources
Finance and accounting
Fundraising and grant writing
Organizational skills
Communication & people skills